
to see Autumn

Here`s my new Indiana Jones hat! lol
very lovely and useful one.
but doesn`t look sold many...are Canadians don`t like it!?
but as soon as I tried on mirror, people started to hand and try this!
that made my day! woo!

I`ll mix with girly romantic coordinates and extremely mannish ones!
Uhhhh can`t wait Autumn!

of course with red lip right?


on my birthday


On my 28th birthday, we were on Kitsilano beach.
we had pretty much no plan.
just feeling good. that`s all enough.

Summer Gold



summer white and gold style

still heating up! wow!


28th my birthday

4th Aug, I had my 28th birthday!! Me with my new bikini and my boyfriend were
on Kitsilano beach and tanning. Had some Oyster and nice walking.

Vancouver is actually very relaxed place and hard to keep  motivate fashion mind for me..lol
Feel like Let`s just do nothing and have some wine! (and this is actually nice!)

So do some more job hunting and let`s start something new with new people!
Great stuff are waiting for us!



Hi! I already started my new life in Vancouver about a week ago!!!!

Am I scared?  --- Yes,

Am I exited? ----Yes!

All new experience sometimes gets me nervous and unssured.
cz in my head,  little little girl still exists!

So hopefully great fortune comes and
and  wish I will meet new great my future friends!! you guys!!lol